Wow! Lots of good stuff coming in the next release - Your Ideas in Summer '08.
These are the ones that I'm looking forward to the most:
- Filter on Lookup - This should save a lot of people from having to write custom S-Controls to do the filtering.
- In-line Editing for Views - This should solve a lot of requests for 'Excel-like' editing functionality. (I wonder if this will allow users to edit Related List values as well.)
- Cross-Object Formula Fields - It will be great to be able to pull some data down from parent objects. (I wonder if this feature will work with Validation Rules as well.)
- Many to Many Relationships - Custom Report Types solve this problem (see my post here) but it would be really cool if creating Many to Many relationships became even easier to do.
- Asynchronous Apex - This should add a lot of flexibility, especially in conjunction with making web service callouts from Apex.
Some other solid new features:
- New Button on List Views - The absence of this button has tripped up new SFDC users for a long time.
- Auto-complete for Lookups - Seems preetty cool.